
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)

Customer service
Who are we?
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Where does Museum Promotion come from?

NPO Museum Promotion was created by the 4 non-profit organisations that are friends of the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History (KLM-MRA):

   • The SRAMA - KVVL : Royal Society of Friends of the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History (Société Royale des Amis du Musée Royal de l'Armée et       d'Histoire Militaire / Koninklijke Vereniging der Vrienden van het Koninklijke Museum van het Leger en voor Krijgsgeschiedenis)

   • The ASBL AELR: The Friends of the Air and Space Museum (Les Amis du Musée de l'AIr et de l'Espace / De vrienden van het Lucht en Ruimtevaartmuseum)


   • The ASBL MRA-Marine / De VZW KLM-Marine: Friends of the Marine Section of the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History (Les Amis de la section       Marine du Musée Royal de l'Armée et d'Histoire Militaire / De Vrienden van de sectie Marine van het Koninklijk Museum van het Leger en de Krijgsgeschiedenis).

   The revenue from the e-shop will be added to the resources of the shop for the needs of its social objective: conservation and development for heritage purposes of general interest, through the 4 ASBLs SRAMA, AELR, TANK-Museum and MRA-MARINE.
See the social object below.
Name, address and company number

   • Museum Promotion asbl

   • 3, Parc du Cinquantenaire
      1000 Brussels

   • Company No.: 0463.050.185

   • e-mail for the shop:
   • telephone: ONLY for the shop: 00-32-(0)2 737 78 93

   • e-mail for the webshop:
Extract from the appendices of the Moniteur belge - Databank legal persons.
Corporate object
art 3

The purpose of the association, which is devoid of any profit-making spirit, is to promote the heritage managed by the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History or by the members by all useful means in compliance with the legal provisions and the members' corporate purpose, in particular
- organising or assisting the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History in the organisation of scientific, historical or cultural or other activities,
- by organising permanent or temporary exhibitions, various internal or external events,
- by participating in historical or patriotic ceremonies,
- by organising presentations of material to the public, sales of documents and/or objects of any kind, if necessary by operating one or more sales points within the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History, for example for the exclusive distribution of documents and objects having a direct or indirect relationship with the collections of the Royal Museum of the Army and Military History and/or members, as well as during the above exhibitions and events.
Please find here a few photos illustrating the objectives of the NPOs in concrete terms.
Objects offered, reconstitutions, repairs, ...
Photos published with the kind permission of the NPOs concerned.
(in progress)