
Shop located in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History (Brussels)


Uniforms of the British Yeomanry Force 9

Uniforms of the British Yeomanry Force 9
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Uniforms of the British Yeomanry Force 9
Reference : U2-11-ML
Full title : The Uniforms of the British Yeomanry Force 1794-1914.
9: Warwickshire Yeomanry

Authors : R. J. Barlow, L. & Smith
Language : ENGLISH
Publisher : Robert Ogilby Trust
Collection : -
Publication date :
Genre : Historical
Weight : 90 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 18,3 x 24,7 x 0,2 cm
Number of pages : 32
ISBN : -
Used - document
Products available : 1
Used - document
2024-12-31 7.007,00