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Partis pris

Partis pris
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Partis pris
Reference : CO40-03-ML
Full title : Partis pris

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Literary criticism. The book was published in February 1943.

Robert Poulet was born into the Belgian Catholic petty bourgeoisie and had an adventurous youth: after having fought in the Corps Francs during the First World War, he became a farmer and then tried his luck as a film scriptwriter. In his forties, he became a well-known writer, thanks in particular to his novel Handji.

Robert Poulet had a complex and non-conformist intellectual career, which took him from Dadaism to Catholic rigorism, via fascism and right-wing anarchism. During the Second World War, Robert Poulet founded the daily newspaper Le Nouveau Journal and defended a policy of conditional collaboration with the German occupier. He supported King Leopold III politically. He was arrested and sentenced to death by the Belgian justice system in October 1945, and his sentence was later commuted to exile.
Authors : Robert Poulet
Language : FRENCH
Publisher : Éditions Les Écrits
Collection :
Publication date : 1943
Genre : ESSAY
Weight : 205 g
Dimensions (Width / Height / Thickness) : 12,3 x 19,4 x 1,6 cm
Number of pages : 236
used / document
Products available : 1
2nd hand - document
Normal price : 10,00
2024-12-31 8.008,00