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French Military Knives and Bayonets

French Military Knives and Bayonets
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French Military Knives and Bayonets
Reference : AB-402-ML
Vollständiger Titel : French Military Knives and Bayonets
After his book on WWI French Army knives, C. Mery invites us to discover the knives, daggers, and bayonets French soldiers have used since the end of the Great War. This 224 page book covers most of the models used by French soldiers during an era when fewer regulation models, resourcefulness, and personal purchases were the rule. More than ever before, C. Mery strove to liven up each page with a slew of color pictures of soldiers carrying the actual weapons he describes. Therefore, an unprecedented plethora of more than 550 photos complements the concise explanation texts. Collaboration with servicemen, and seeking first-hand information from veterans were key elements in writing this book which will satisfy the most demanding bayonet collectors, and most astute knives connoisseurs alike.
Autoren : Christian Méry
Sprache : ENGLISCH
Herausgeber : Éditions du Brevail
Sammlung : -
Erscheinungsdatum : 2016
Genre : Historisch
Gewicht : 845 g
Abmessungen (Breite / Höhe / Dicke) : 20,4 x 25,8 x 1,8 cm
Anzahl der Seiten : 224
EAN : 9782955528907
ISBN : 978-2-9555289-0-7
Neues Buch - Lagerabbau
Produkte zur Verfügung : 2
Neues Buch - Lagerabbau
Normaler Preis : 35,00
2024-12-31 24.5024,50
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Neues Buch - Lagerabbau