
Der Shop im Heeres- und Militärhistorischen Museum (Brüssel)


Death of a Nation

Death of a Nation
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Death of a Nation
Reference : PN1861I-ML
Vollständiger Titel : Death of a Nation - The Confederate Army at Gettysburgh
There was thus an eerie silence over the field when Pickett's troops began to emerge on a rise of ground about four hundred yards of general Lee's command post and directly opposite the Federal Center. The Hush, as if the gathered forces were spectators at a pageant, ended abruptly as the heavy Federal guns commenced firing at the gray lines of the separated wings. the eighteen guns in the copse of trees reopened, then twenty more than twice that number, until more than eighty guns were hurling explosives into the two rank of foor soldiers (...)
from Death of a Nation
Autoren : Clifford Dowdey
Sprache : ENGLISCH
Herausgeber : Barnes & Noble Books
Sammlung : -
Erscheinungsdatum : 1998
Genre : Geschichte
Gewicht : 625 g
Abmessungen (Breite / Höhe / Dicke) : 15,2 x 21,8 x 3,4 cm
Anzahl der Seiten : 400
EAN: 9780760708101
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Produkte zur Verfügung : 1
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2024-12-31 25.0025,00