
Der Shop im Heeres- und Militärhistorischen Museum (Brüssel)


14-18 The Great War

14-18 The Great War
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14-18 The Great War
Reference : BD-10-ML
Vollständiger Titel : 14-18 The Great War
1914 The most terrible and bloody conflict in history has just begun. More than 18 million soldiers were killed. As a child, Ulysses sees his father and brother leave his bright garrigue to go to the dark and war-stained lands of eastern France. A conflict that was meant to be short and will last more than four years, stealing the boy's childhood to make him a fighter, ready to fall on the field of honour for his homeland.
Autoren : Jérôme Eho, Jérôme Philippou (Illustrator), Claire Dumas (Kolorist)
Sprache : ENGLISCH
Herausgeber : Orep Editions / Ministère des Armées
Sammlung: -
Erscheinungsdatum : 2018
Genre : Comicstrips Historisch
Gewicht : 720 g
Abmessungen (Breite / Höhe / Dicke) : 25 x 34 x 1 cm
Anzahl der Seiten : 72
EAN : 9782815103923
ISBN : 978-2-8151-0392-3
Neues Buch
Inklusive Lehrbuch
Produkte zur Verfügung : 10
Neues Buch
2024-12-31 16.9016,90